Harvest Life Victory Church
TEL: 780-639-3818
SUN: 10 AM -12 Noon
6 PM - 7 PM
WED: 7 PM - 8 PM
Children's Ministry
We are passionate about kids and their spiritual growth. REMEMBER this is age appropriate ministry
not “babysitting” with curriculum.
God is looking for commitment, enthusiasm & faithfulness because working with children is a privilege.
There is no hierarchy in the gifts of God. Every part of the body is important including our children!
God places a high value on every child and wants to capture their hearts for Him while they are young.
As a children’s worker you fill a place of honor; a place of spiritual leadership.
You are working with tomorrow’s leaders by helping change lives for eternity, investing in the next generation
and affecting their God given destinies.
Please see our Team Leader Emma Proch & Jennifer Peckham for the requirements to serve in children’s ministry.