Harvest Life Victory Church
TEL: 780-639-3818
SUN: 10 AM -12 Noon
6 PM - 7 PM
WED: 7 PM - 8 PM
"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this; to visit orphans and widows in their trouble." ~ James 1:27
Many children in many countries around the world find themselves without
any living relatives. These children are destined to disaster if left on the streets
of the city to fend for themselves. Many of these poor children are exploited sexually or put in work camps.
HLVC partners with Victory Churches International through Victory Children’s Homes, to endeavour to build children’s homes in as many nations as is possible,
to give a safe home, food, clothing, education and loving arms to hold them.
Currently Victory Children’s Homes have four Orphanages in India and are planning to open 20 more Orphanages across this nation. The Delhi Orphanage alone has 66 girls and is gearing up to move to a bigger and safer location.
Our Slum Schools, Village Schools, Sewing Schools and Orphanages have made a difference in hundreds of children’s lives.
The Victory Family Home of Champions, Kenya is located by Lake Victoria in the out skirts of Kisumu, the third largest city in Kenya, home to many street children.
On March 1, 2013, Victory Children’s Homes Foundation took over an orphanage in Kisumu that could no longer support the children under their care. The home was upgraded and renovated is now flourishing and has been renamed, Victory Family Home of Champions, Kisumu! The name is important, we want our kids to feel like they are part of a family, not orphans, alone and abandoned. Also, they are champions and we feel it is important to impart that into them at a young age, winners and not losers!
Victory Family Home of Champions is home to about 200 children and boarders, ranging from 2 years to over 18 years of age that are either orphaned or from very poor families. All of the children attend the nursery school, primary school and high school located within the Victory Family Home of Champions complex.
The Rwanda genocide in 1994 left many children orphaned and without homes. In 2008 Victory Children’s Homes stepped in to help create a safe environment for 60 orphaned children by building a beautiful complex just outside of Rwanda's capital city of Kigali. The vision was to see this complex become self-sustaining through the agriculture and the sale of produce from the home.
In 2013 the Rwanda Government made the decision to close all orphanages in the nation and move to a foster care program. Most of our children have since been put into the national foster care program or with other surviving family members. However, we are still caring for 17 young children at the home and our staff. We have had to find different uses for our beautiful complex since the transition from orphanages to the foster care program.